I enjoyed meeting the twin girls. Alyssa is in my right arm and Hailey is in my left. They slept most of the time. It was great to hold them and see how tiny they were. I wished I lived closer so I could be there to help Mom and Dad like I did when Brendan was little.

Speaking of Brendan -- he was happy I came to visit and "introduced" me to his sisters. He loved the blanket I made for him. You can see him all wrapped up in the blanket. He loves Curious George, so he loved the blanket with all of the monkeys on it. Brendan and I had a great time playing with his cars, stickers, dragons, etc. It was so good to see him and hard to leave!!! I sure miss that little guy.
I was so fortunate to visit with many friends on my visit to the western slope. It never seems like my time there is long enough. I did enjoy surprising one of my friends, Pat, for her birthday. That was great fun. She told me I could surprise her anytime!!! My thanks to Judy who orchestrated the surprise visit!!!
My son, Ryan, brought me back home on Friday. We enjoyed some shopping time Saturday morning and then welcomed my brother and sister-in-law from Nebraska in the afternoon. They spent the long weekend with us. We had some great conversations and made the most of our time together. I will have more to share in the next couple of days.